
Sunday, April 22, 2012

Caitie Locks

Yesterday our very own Caitie decided to cut off her long hair and give it to locks of love in the hopes of making another child feel very special!  
Caitie Locks:
It was the big day. I felt so scared. But then I thought about the person who would get my hair and how happy they would feel. I walked in the door then he took me in he put my hair in the pony tail where it had to get cut I herd the first snip then came the second snip and then before I knew it was all cut.I saw my pony tail on the desk and kissed it good bye.But at the very end I felt good knowing that it was going  to go to somebody that had no hair.

What a shining example of thinking of others!  I am so proud of her- way to go Caitie!!


  1. Catie that was very Sweet of you to cut of your pretty hair and give it to kids! If I were you I cut of my hair too!


  2. Catie your hair is the same size as mine!!


  3. True beauty comes from the inside. And every now and then the world gets to see that beauty shine right on through from...actions.
    I am truly blessed to have a daughter that is so caring and giving!

    I love u from here to heaven and back...
    plus infinity!

  4. You did a very nice thing, Catie! Jasmine

  5. I am going to do that but my mom said I have to get it longer! Caitie I am very proud of you for thinking about others and not thinking just about yourself and how you want your life to change!


  6. Caitie...
    What an impressive thing to do! I can tell you from experience that you are going to make someone very happy! Losing your hair is so traumatic...nothing any girl wants to do. So, thank you for thinking of others and making a difference. I am very, very proud of you!
    Love, Mrs. McBride

  7. nice going catie!!


  8. Dear Caitie,
    I am so PROUD of you! I can only imagine the feeling you had knowing you were helping out someone else. WAY TO GO CAITIE!!! YOU ROCK!

    Mrs. Rodriguez

  9. Dear Caitie,
    I am amazed by your act of kindness. You are inspiring!

    Mrs. Barnes in 4th grade

  10. What a very selfless thing to do! So very proud of you. I love how you thought about helping others. You are a leader!
    Love, Mrs.Kiefer :)

  11. Caitie,
    You have shown everyone that your beauty is not only on the outside but on the inside too! You are an incredible young lady. Such a cool thing to do!
    Mrs Guillory

  12. Caitie,

    You never seem to amaze me with your generosity and caring nature. God blessed me when he brought you and your mother into my life.

    Love ya, Daddy

  13. Did you go and see hairspray?
    and if you did my sister likes it


  14. wow that was very nice of you

  15. What a wonderful gesture. Now there will be two girls with very beautiful hair and at least one girl with a beautiful heart as well.

    Mrs. Shoe

  16. i am VERY VERY PROUD of you.


  17. Catie you look more pretty now!!


  18. im very proud of u caitie i love how u cuted your hair for others im going 2 do the 2 i have 2 wait a long time.



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