Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Book Fair is Coming!

Mossman Book Fair will be on   
Jan 31 - Feb 10
in the beautiful Mossman Library! 

Thurs, Feb 2 8:00-4:00
  • Curriculum Night 4:00-6:00; 7:30-8:30
  • Fri, Feb 3 8:00-4:00
  • Mon, Feb 6 8:00-4:00
  • Tues, Feb 7 8:00-4:00
  • Wed, Feb 8 8:00-4:00
  • Thurs, Feb 9 8:00-4:00
    Curriculum Night 4:00-6:00; 7:30-8:30

    Our teachers have made a wish list of books they would like to add to their classroom libraries. By participating, you'll make books available to students conveniently, right in their classroom.

    During our Book Fair we will collect dollar bills and loose change to buy more books for the school. Scholastic will match the amount we collect by donating books to charities that help children. It's a winning combination!

    Go here to get more information about Book Fair!

    Happy Reading ; o )


Daisy said...

I like book fairs because you can buy lots of books :)


Scarlett said...

Some day's we have book fair.What cind of book fair?


sally said...

We had a book fair on about 2 months ago.I bout lods of books
one of them was by jaclween wison
It was good.What book are you going to buy.I bet it is realy good.

sally hotspur schoool
newcastle england

Reece said...

Reece. we have a book fair to.We love the book fair to it is really good because we love the books because we can get beast quest and lodes mo.

Daniel said...

Sounds fun we have also had a book
fair in school

Was it fun?


Mohammad said...

i bet you had a good time today
i had a good time

lukas said...

lukas.We love book fairs because
I love meeting my freinds.

Dulcie said...

Thats realy cool we had a book fair. But im not sure when.It had lods of good books.Do you like books?And do you read books?And do you read all the time?

hotspur newcastle

Anonymous said...

I just can't wait until the book fair.


Lillie said...

The book fair is going to be so much fun!!!!

Anonymous said...

Whitney said "I don't know what books I am going to get for the book fair"

Anonymous said...

Thats daisy do you have book fairs at your school? And do you have a lot of books at your libarey.?


Anonymous said...

So do you guys have book fairs at your school? Do you in joy reading books at your school? What books do you have at your schools.?


Anonymous said...

1 do you always wear uniforms to school.
2 do you have sports in school? Which sports?
3 How many students in your school?in your class?
4 what are you learning in math?


Anonymous said...

Well I got a book for Mrs.Goins to read to the class.!!!!!!
