Friday, January 6, 2012

The Living Anthology Project

  Our readers have been very busy this week reading many different types of poems.  We decided that it would be fun to put poems where other people could enjoy them as well.  On Wednesday we took a walk around the school and looked for places where people have to wait and could spend that time reading a poem.  Then we went back to the classroom to look for poems that fit the "theme" of those areas.  (water fountain/ poem about thirst) 
  Not only does this create a poetry-friendly environment in our school, but it helps kids to read many diferent kinds of poetry books in an environment where there is no right or wrong answer, just discovery of words, feelings, and thoughts through poems.
  The next time you are in our school and having to wait for your child, be sure to keep your eyes open for poetry.  It makes waiting fun!


Anonymous said...

That's so cool Mrs.Gonis.

sme3cavb said...

I think it's catching on...I am seeing more poems around school : o )