Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Poetry Friday (on a Tuesday ; o )

The Canary
~Elizabeth Turner
Mary had a little bird,
With feathers bright and yellow,
Slender legs-upon my word,
He was a pretty fellow!
Sweetest notes he always sung,
Which much delighted Mary;
Often where his cage was hung,
She sat to hear Canary.
Crumbs of bread and dainty seeds
She carried to him daily,
Seeking for the early weeds,
She decked his palace gaily.
This, my little readers, learn,
And ever practice duly;
Songs and smiles of love return
To friends who love you truly.

  • What type of poetry is this ... free verse, narrative, or lyric? How do you know?
  • What feeling does the author create in this poem? How do you know?
  • What is the author's message in this poem?
  • Why did the author include lines 15 & 16?


Jackson said...

I think the authors message is the canary needs help!

Mrs. Goins said...

Jackson, I think they both needed each other. By helping the bird she was also helping herself : o ) Mrs.Goins

Anonymous said...

well i bet the canary was lost and then the girl found him and then brang him in side and took care of him.

Anonymous said...

I think that friends are a
awsome.Friends will guide you.

from Matthew and Hunter

Lillie said...

That sounds like a familar riddle that i have heard before....IT IS MARY HAD A LITTLE LAMB!!! But with a TWIST!!

Anonymous said...

1. This poem is lyrical. I know this because we discussed this in class.
2. The author creates the feeling of friendship in this poem. I know this because of the lines 15 and 16.
3. The authors message is that friendship is important. The author included the lines 15 and 16 to show that the poem is about friendship.

jasmine nelson

Anonymous said...

This poem reminds me of marry had a little lamb.


Drew C. said...

Drew thinks this poem is narrative and a little lyrical. The reason why is because it has a little rhyming and it tells a story. I noticed that it was a parody of "Mary had a Little Lamb". The feeling that the author makes you feel is friendship and trust in your friends. The author's message in this poem is to have more trust in your friends. The author also might want you to have a little friendship with your pets too. The author included lines 15 and 16 because if you do something nice to a friend, they will do something nice back. Drew C.

Anonymous said...

Monika thinks that friends can help you Too.

Anonymous said...

This is lyricle because it rymes. Elizabeth Turner's feeling was happy because she talked about frendship. The author's message is if you want people to treat you good than you have to treat them good. To talk about friendship.


Lillie said...

I think that this poem is lyrical because if you focus in on the poem you will find some lyrical words in there!!
The author creates the feeling of friendship in this poem and I know that because the lines 15 and 16!!
I think that the authors message to the reader was that friendship is important.

Anonymous said...

It is good but you a iltl halp but it was ok.