Friday, January 13, 2012

Poetry Friday

I Don't Know What to do Today by Kenn Nesbitt

I don't know what to do today.
Perhaps I'll go outside and play,
or stay indoors and watch TV,
or take a bath, or climb a tree.

Or maybe I'll go ride my bike,
or pick my nose, or take a hike,
or jump a rope, or scratch my head,
or play a game, or stay in bed,
or dance a jig, or pet the cat,
or drink some milk, or buy a hat,
or sing a song, or read a book,
or change my socks, or learn to cook,
or dig a hole, or eat a pear,
or call my friends, or brush my hair,
or hold my breath, or have a race,
or stand around and slap my face.

I'm so confused, and bored, and blue,
to not know what I ought to do.
I guess that I should just ask you.
So, what do you think I should do?
--Kenn Nesbitt

*What message do you think the poet was trying to tell you?
*What image do you see when you read this poem?
*What advice would you give to someone who said they were "bored"?


Anonymous said...

That's so silly Mrs.Goins. But that book has golden lines. And I think It's a great book.

Mrs. Goins said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Ther are all kinds of stuf to do all the time.I see a kid thinking of something to do to day.Ther are all kind of stuff to do to day really all the time you cant really be bord with the world arond
you just have fun with the world.

Anonymous said...

I think the poet was tring to tell me was if you are bord do all those things.I saw that this kid is bord and he dose not know what to do.If someone came up to me and said Im bord I would give them a bucket.


Anonymous said...

I think the author is tring to say is to plan before you get up out of bed so you know what to do. that poem is just like me in morning. because I wrondor what to do.


Anonymous said...

I think that the authors message to the reader is that you can do alot of things! The image I see is this little kid thinking about what to do! I would give the advice " Go look at Kenn Nesbitt's poems!"

Anonymous said...

That is some really good poetry MRS.GOINS ON THE BLOG IT IS AMAZING.

Drew C. said...

Drew C. says when you're bored, you can do a lot of things. There is so many things to do like go to your friend's, go swimming with your brother, or even ride a bike around the lake. When I read the poem, the image in my head is a kid waking up in the morning and not knowing what to do because there are so many things. The advice I would give to someone that is bored would be you could do a lot of things and you are lucky you even have a home and stuff like that. Other people don't have homes and things to do like you. Drew C.

Lillie said...

This is such a great poem!! Who would not like it??

Design With Your Dime In Mind said...

1. Jasmine .N thinks that the message the author is to try to tell us is to find something to do.

2. I think the image is his hands are curled up in fist and on his chin. He looks bored and has a cloud bubble above his head and is trying to think of something to do.

3. The best advice I could give her (or him) would be to try something new.

Izzie said...

I really like this poem. Could you put some more.

Amy said...

That is very good! I loved it!

Izabella said...

I love your poem!!!

Anonymous said...

This poem is really funny!