Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Questions to a scientist about the moon

1.  Is there more than one moon?
2.  Does the moon cover the sun when it's night?
3.  Is the moon made out of rocks?
4.  Is our moon the biggest moon in the galaxy?
5.  How does the moon control the tides?
6.  Does the moon have a pattern?
7.  Why is there no gravity in the universe and is there any on the moon?
8.  What does the moon feel like?
9.  How does the moon get craters?
10.  Why can't the planets go forward and back, instead of around?
11.  Will the sun explode?
12.  How many craters are on the moon?
13.  Do all planets have gravity?
14.  How many moons are in the galaxy?
15.  How big is the galaxy?
16.  How many shoes could you fit on the moon?
17.  How was the moon created?
18.  How do the planets stay in order?
19.  How does the moon change its shape?
20.  How cold and hot is the moon?
21.  Is there life on the moon?
22.  How many moons could you fit in the sun?
23.  How many astronauts have been on the moon?
24.  Are there craters in other moons?
25.  Why does the moon have phases?
26.  Does the moon have dust?
27.  Why isn't there a blue moon each month?
28.  How many moons could you fit across the earth?
29.  How long does it take to fly around the moon?
30.  What does the moon look like when you are on it?
31.  Does the moon make its own light?


Dr. K. said...

1) Earth only has one moon, but other planets have moons too.
4) Our moon is not the biggest moon in the solar system. It is the fifth biggest moon. Three moons of Juptier and one moon of Saturn is bigger.
5) The moon's gravity controls the tide. The Sun's gravity also controls the tide. Simply, the gravity of the sun and moon pulls the ocean's water.
9) Meteoroids crash into the moon making craters. Because the moon does not have atmosphere, even very small meteoroids
11) The sun may explode but that won't happen for billions of years.
12) Billions and billions. There are just to many to count. There are craters as small as a penny.
13) All the planets have gravity. In fact, every thing that has mass has gravity. That means even you have gravity.
15) The Milky Way, our galaxy is about 100,000 light years across. That means if you could travel at the speed of light, it would take you 100,000 years to cross it.
20) The temperature of the moon ranges from -360 degrees below zero to 260 degress.
21) No life has been found on the moon. Since there is no air or water on the moon, life would have a difficult time surviving.
23) Twelve astronauts have walked on the moon. Twelve more astronauts have orbited the moon.
24) There are craters on other moons.
29) It tales about two hours to orbit the moon.
31) The moon does not make its own light, the light from the moon is just reflected sun light.

Mrs. Goins said...

Dear Dr.Keller,

Thank you so much for answering our questions!

Mrs.Goins & Ms.Reynolds Class

Dr. K said...

3) The moon is basically made up of rocks. You could think of the moon as a really big rock covered with lots of smaller rocks.
8) The dust that covers the moon feels like very dry sand. It also feels a bit like sandpaper. The astronauts said that it smelled like used gunpowder.
10) The planets orbit the sun in a nearly circular pattern. They suns gravity keeps them from moving in a straight line.
14) There are 166 moons in the solar system. In the galaxy, it must be billions and billions.
17) Scientists believe that a planet, about the size of Mars crashed into the Earth many years ago. What was left over become the moon. Of course no one was around to see it happen, so no one can be sure exactly how the moon was formed.
22) 64 million moons can fit into the sun.