Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Student Success Showcase!

  Every nine weeks at our school we get together and celebrate the successes of our students.  Here are some pictures from our last Showcase:

    Way to go Knights!


Mr Luke and Class 8 said...

This look like a lovely celebration, it’s nice to all celebrate each others success. Every Friday morning we join together as a school and celebrate in our Golden assembly. What things do you celebrate and do you sing any songs?

Mr Luke
Hotspur Primary School, Newcastle, England.

Anonymous said...

That's so cool it is like we have something in commen

Caitie, Marcus, Lillie, Alessia.

Anonymous said...

No we don't sing songs at that but do y'all sing songs at that. We hand out awards.


Anonymous said...

Jasmine said that two people from each grade level gets the character award. That award you get has a certificate and a dog tag saying "knights character".