Monday, March 19, 2012

Spring break

On spring break I went to my friends house. They got a pool and we swam in their pool. Yesterday my dad and his friend and I went golfing and I got sun burned. On Friday I went to kemah boardwalk and my friend and I rode a ride called the wipeout, and when I went to kemah my friends mom wached me.While my dad and my friends rode a ride called the bullet and it is a rollocster.


Mrs. Goins said...

You are brave to ride the rides! They scare me : o ) I am so glad you had a nice Spring Break!

Anonymous said...

Karleigh I am so glad that you had such an exciting sping break holiday. It sounds like fun was had by all?


Monika said...

Karligh I also went swimming &I also went to Kama too.!!!!

Monika said...

Karilgh-is the wipeout the big thing in the air that goes around & around?

Anonymous said...

that sounds fun & bad


Gram said...

Karleigh, I am glad you are learning to play golf. Did you like it? Did you think you did a good job? I am sorry you got sunburned. It is hard to remember to put on lotion when the weather first gets hot, but you can now remember for the rest of the summer to put on lotion. Remind your Dad about the lotion if he should forget.

Anonymous said...

It sounds cool to go to Keamh,go swiming, and go golfing.
I wish I can go to all that fun stoff.

Monika said...

What rides do ride on karilgh?