It's that time again...Student Success Showcase! I love that we take the time to come together as a Village and celebrate our student's successes over the past nine weeks. I am SO proud of all of our students in room 1121, they are wonderful examples of what a Knight should look like.
The showcase will start at 9:45 this morning in our gym, so be sure to join us if you can!
It's going to be a amazing.!!!!!!!
the 3 that I got were Integrity award & sparkle patrol & perfect attendance with No tardies
The student sucsess showcase was really fun!!! Even if you did not get any awards you still deserve it and you always still have more student sucsess showcases!!!
"I am so proud of Lillie" my mom told me.
It sounds very interesting.
Izzie and Reece
St Augustine's junior school
Worksop, Nottinghamshire, Engaland
Do you like the student success showcase?
Do you like the student success showcase?
That sounds really exiting!!
St. Augustines junior school.
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