Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Gift ideas (re-post)

Dear Students and Parents,

     Everyday I realize how incredibly lucky I am to have a "job" that isn't just a job, but something I truly love to do.  I feel honored to be teaching your children and appreciate the trust you give me in doing just that each day.
     About this time each year I begin to get questions from my students about what I'd like as a gift from them for the holidays, and usually I say Starbucks ; o ) or books.  This year I'd like to do something different.  Instead of giving gifts to me I'd rather us give to something bigger, so I am asking that in lieu of buying gifts for me we give to a charity in our class name.   Below are some links to groups that I feel strongly about supporting and would love to have donations made to them instead of gifts for myself.

Texas Children's Hospital Heart program is near to my own heart because of two of my friends and co-workers.  I am in awe of the strength of these families who deal with children who have heart conditions, but do it with great strength and grace.


Special Olympics is near and dear to my heart.  Our oldest daughter, Sara, has been involved in Special Olympics since she was six years old.  I cannot begin to express how amazing this organization is and how big a part of Sara's life it has become.

     So if you are wondering what to get Mrs.Goins for Christmas this year, here is your answer.  I would be honored if this year we gave to one of these two organizations, or even an organization that is important to your own family.  Because really the message of the season is not in the getting but in the giving : o )

Happy Holidays!

1 comment:

Mrs. Goins said...

Thank you so much to those of you who donated! I am so proud of our class : o )