Thursday, January 5, 2012

Poetry Friday

by Ralph Fletcher

Weeds in the sunlight,
swaying in the breeze.
Weeds pollinated by
hordes of hungry bees.
Weeds softly whispering,
spilling secret seeds.
Weeds multiplying:
weeds, weeds, weeds.
Dandelion, ragweed,
Queen Anne’s lace.
Weeds in my dreams,
weeds in outer space.
Weeds on vacation
but more staying home.
Sneaky little weedlings
sprouting in this poem!

  • What type of poetry is this ... free verse, narrative, or lyric? How do you know?
  • What feeling does the author create in this poem? How do you know?
  • What is the author's message in this poem?
  • Why did the author include lines 9 and 10?


Anonymous said...

well some times my mom makes me pull the weeds.

Anonymous said...

I like the repeting and some times I pick the wedis and it is not fun. Grant

Anonymous said...

I like how you did a lot of repetition


Anonymous said...

Mia thinks this is free verse
because tow lins of something than two more linse of somthing else. He creats happy feelings because he wrote weeds in my dreams and that makes me kinda happy I like the dreams part.That weeds are evrey whare but not in space.That queen anne use to have flowers on a coler.He probley put lines 9 because this pome is about flowers.

Anonymous said...

Whitney said I think that this is a narrative because repets and riming. I also think that this poem is happy.Maybe if you be nice to the things around you it want treat nice too.I also think Ralph Fletcher included 9 and 10 it's because it is a narrative poem.

Anonymous said...

Som times me and my brother pick weeds.


Mrs. Goins said...
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Anonymous said...

Well I have to pull lots of weeds everyday long.

Mrs. Goins said...

What type of poetry is this? What is the author's message?

Drew C. said...

Drew thinks this is lyrical and narrative because it ryhmes and has repetition. The author makes you feel daydreamy-ish because he says, "...weeds in my dreams, weeds in outer space...". He included lines 9 and 10 because he wants you to know what kind of weeds he likes and maybe wants you to like weeds because there are all different kinds. Drew C.

Design With Your Dime In Mind said...

1. Jasmine Nelson thinks that this is a lyrical poem because the poem has rhyming words in it.
2. The author creates a feeling of calmness in this poem because of lines 2 and 5.
3. The message the author creates is that weeds shouldn't be aggravating and that weeds are everywhere.
4. To make you realize the weeds are everywhere.

Anonymous said...

alessia said

i think that the author was trying to teach us about weeds and i heard a little bit of rhyming.

Mrs. Goins said...

I like how the author uses words to describe the weeds so that we can "see" them ; o )

Anonymous said...

Free verse besause Free verse means somthig like a thoght. I think that Ralph Fletcher was mad because weeds where growing in his grass or garden. To telll people about weeds. To have more discritve words.
